And I think the insentive was the fact that they got $84.00 out of me somehow?!!? It was deducted from my bank account after I TRIED to get my credit reports three Virginia credit score from a site "they" recommended.
I called and told them I credit reports three Virginia wanted my money back and I have yet to! I went on a credit reports three Virginia Receptionist position and I also looked up their website and and they had website made. If you see a job that is for Majison, LLC DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!!!!!!!
Is there any way Craiglist can stop this from happening? I can't believe people credit reports three Virginia are out there doing this to others!!!! talkaboutHub Author 18 months ago $84!!? Is there a way you can dispute the charge through your credit credit reports three Virginia card or debit card?
The consumer usually has the power in the disputes. Well, I went ahead and had my card shut off just in case they decide to charge more fees and they recommended that I file a Dispute to the charge. So I went ahead and did it, but I won't get any answers or money back for at least 10 credit reports three Virginia days!! And I didn't even seen where it said they could charge that much?!?! all 3 free credit report
I have definitely learned from this and will not fall for the crap again! I was looking credit reports three Virginia on there and after reading this credit reports three Virginia site, there is a job posting for credit reports three Virginia a Legal Assistant... It does not have much info to it, but it specifies it's in Elkhart. The description was not much and they credit reports three Virginia did not leave a direct contact # or e-mail. I am looking for a position like this, but like I said, I have learned my lesson...
talkaboutHub Author 18 months ago Yes. Look for a real job from a real company that checks out online credit reports three Virginia AND does not ask you for personal information like a credit score or make you buy a product or credit reports three Virginia service for employment or have you accept checks to buy supplies and ship credit reports three Virginia them! credit check report The wage and job responsibilities should be well matched. I inquired credit reports three Virginia and found that I applied for a credit reports three Virginia lot of bogus jobs. After a while you can see through the bogus ads and flag them on Craig's List and not waste your time with them. Read through some of credit reports three Virginia the guidelines and advice written here and you should be just fine! Also - try other job posting sites or company websites for job opportunities and not just rely on Craig's credit reports three Virginia List. That is very helpful and I have been using Monster and, but the jobs IN Elkhart,IN are very limited.
So, once I seen the postings on Craiglist I guess I just got a little carried away with it. I have a job now, but I was just looking for a change. Maybe this experience is telling me I am credit reports three Virginia where I need to be! I answered a post for an Admin Assistant job and got an email very close to one I saw on this site. Here is the email...From: "Henry Williams" Thanks for showing interests on the AD ( Administrative Assistant ). I just went through your resume, i think you have all it takes to be employed for this job,I need PA to help me monitor and keep credit reports three Virginia up to date with all my activities. your credit history I'm Benjamin Braxton, 54 yrs of age,I'm a lawyer credit reports three Virginia by profession, I have been pretty successful in a handful of ventures I get involved in; from the International Investment Network in Canada and United credit reports three Virginia State to various welfare and community service programs, I most very often get credit reports three Virginia my hands occupied, so it is imperative for me to have a worthy credit reports three Virginia assistant who can monitor and keep credit reports three Virginia me up to date with my activities.
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